Ubuntu For Mac G5

While there are several builds of 'linux' or unix that could be run in certain Apple environs (hardware)

Ubuntu for macbook

the names and conditions are detailed enough to consider further and in-depth study prior to being

Nov 22, 2008 Re: 64-bit Ubuntu on PowerMac G4/G5 Your PowerMac is a 32-bit architecture, like every g4. Anyway also in a powerpc g5, at least in Ubuntu, only the kernel is '64-bit capable', applications ('user space') are 32-bit. My original testbed was a Late 2005 2.3 GHz Power Mac G5 Dual with 3 GB of RAM and two hard drives, one with OS X 10.4 Tiger, the other with OS X 10.5 Leopard.It’s my most powerful PowerPC Mac, so I figured it would be a good way to take Linux for a spin.

fully (experimentally) committed to the installation and attempted use of any specific version.

Ubuntu, Debian, Mint PPC, and others offer possibilities; and may require much more command-line No password for mac os x.

use to access their features than the graphic user interface of Mac OS X (or earlier OS 9).

While I've read about these differing systems and how they could be used in Apple architecture

Ubuntu For Intel Mac

I've not used any of them; but do have a sprinkling of Mac OS from early version 1985 on and

Ubuntu For Mac G5

lesser so with 'windows' PC. Not sure, but there are several places to study the topic online and

you may find a good offline book to backup the internet to use with experimental versions. Download mozilla firefox for mac os x.

Ubuntu for power mac g5

Ubuntu For Mac G5

Jan 6, 2019 9:01 AM